
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Barbacoa Grill

A Brazilian restaurant that serves authentic churrasco cuisine. They offer a superb salad bar and a selection of more than 15 kinds of churrasco dishes.

正統のシュラスコ料理を出すブラジルのレストラン。 彼らは15種類以上のシュラスコ皿のずば抜けたサラダバーと品揃えを提供します。

Just me ...

It was one of those days after work, had nothing to do and was bored.


Spam combination 2

Another spam combination, with fried egg and toasted wheat bread.


Spam combination 1

Spam is my all time favorite food for breakfast. Here is one combination, with fried egg and rice.

パムは朝食のための私の特に好きな食物です。 ここに、目玉焼きと米との1つの組み合わせがあります。

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine!

What better way to celebrate this special day for couples? - Chocolates!

何が、ずっとこの特別な日にカップルのためにお祝いするために、より良いですか? - チョコレート!

Save the Children

Bulgari's 125 anniversary commitment to Save the Children's rewrite the future campaign. It was a funny story as to how I ended up having the ring. I received an invitation to celebrate Bulgari's 125th anniversary, and when I went to the store instead of buying the ring it was given to me. I do not know why but maybe the store manager find me amusing. I had my watch repaired and during those times I had a talk with the manager. I was also looking at their other products and maybe the manager enjoyed our conversation. http://www.bulgari.com/125anniversary/

ブルガリの125記念日の委任はSave the Children's rewrite the future campaign。 それは私が結局どうリングを持ったかに関する滑稽な話でした。 私はブルガリの125周年を祝う招待状を受けました、そして、私がリングを買うことの代わりに店に行ったとき、それを私に与えました。 私は理由を知りませんが、たぶん、店長は、私の事がおもしろいと思ってました。 私は腕時計を修理させました、そして、それらの回の間、マネージャとの話を持っていました。 また、私はそれらの他の製品を見ていました、そして、たぶん、マネージャは私たちの会話を楽しんでいました。http://www.bulgari.com/125anniversary/

I'm commited ...

... aside from my girlfriend with ... (check next post)

… …をもっているガールフレンドは別として (次のポストをチェックします)

Simple Dish

I was lazy to really cook one evening , so I had this ...


Sunday, February 08, 2009

My colleague and friend

My friend's family. This picture was taken in Shibuya Station.

私の友人の家族。 この写真は渋谷駅で撮られました。

Amway Japan

I went to Amway's Japan head office in Shibuya, Tokyo.  This picture was taken at the lobby.

私は渋谷東京にアムウェイの日本本社に行きました。 この写真はロビーで撮られました。

Thai Chicken Curry

My version of Thailand's yellow chicken curry, paired it with yebisu beer.


Adobo with egg

Since I had been cooking lately filipino breakfast, I might as well have a filipino dish for my dinner - my version of adobo with egg and red wine.


Sunday, February 01, 2009

In Isesaki IV

We had a group picture before I went back to Tokyo.


In Isesaki III

Thats me together with our male engineers.


In Isesaki II

More pictures of our engineers.

In Isesaki

My first time to leave the apartment after my chicken pox. I went to Isesaki to visit some of our engineers. After our meeting we had lunch in a pasta restaurant. Here are some pictures of our engineers.

初めて私の水痘の後にアパートを出るために私にとって。 私は私たちの技術者を訪問しに伊勢崎に行きました。 私たちのミーティングの後に、私たちはパスタレストランで昼食をとりました。

New Evian

The bottle designed by JeanPaul Gaultier ... 

Breakfast in Isesaki

I went to Isesaki to visit some of our engineers. I had a typical japanese countryside breakfast - pickled radish, vegetable soup with poached egg, grilled salmon, stir fried vegetables and fresh mix vegetables.

私は私たちの技術者を訪問しに伊勢崎に行きました。 私は典型的な日本田舎朝食を食べました--酢漬けのラディッシュ、ポーチドエッグズがある野菜スープ、直火で焼かれたサケはフライ料理の野菜と新鮮なミックス野菜をかき回します。

Breakfast ....Filipino II

Another Filipino breakfast favorite of mine - danggit and scramble eggs. I also used left over adobo sauce on top of the rice.


Breakfast ....Filipino

Next pictures would be about breakfast (filipino breakfast).  I love breakfast but I could only enjoy it during weekends. This is the time when I savor each bite of the food. One of my all time favorite - tocino and fried eggs.

次の絵は朝食(filipino朝食)に関するものでしょう。 朝食はとても好きですが、私は週末の間それを楽しむことができただけです。 この時、私は食物の各ひとかじりを味わいます。私の時間好きな朝食tocinoと目玉焼きのひとつ。