
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Inside CROCS!

Yes! Inside the CROCS warehouse here Cagayan de Oro City. Only here can you see the inside since it is supposedly out of limits to outsiders. I was able to take a picture a portion of the area but not the whole area. That's me with the "Beach" model which started the CROCS craze.

はい! Cagayan de OroのCROCS倉庫の中で。あなたは推定上部外者への限界から脱している倉庫のInsideを見ることができます。

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Another Crocs!

Another CROCS to my collection. This time I think I need to be serious with my cooking. Using this CROCS makes me feel like a chef!

私の収集への別のCROCS。 今回、私は、私の料理によって重大であることが必要であると思います。 このCROCSを使用するのは私がシェフをような気分にします!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

At the reception

A picture with the newly wed couple together with other guests.


Guessing game.

Do you think you know what's this?

The Chapel

This is the inside of the St. Therese Chapel.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Wedding of a friend

The next series of pictures was taken during the wedding of a friend. The church ceremony was in St. Therese Chapel in Pasay City near NAIA 3.
Before the ceremony, together with the other best man.

友人の結婚式の間、絵の次のシリーズを取りました。 教会での式典がNAIA3の近くでPasay CityのセイントテレーズChapelでありました。

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Back from Cavite

Before going to the hotel, went to a hotpot restaurant along roxas boulevard with friends.

以前、ホテルに行って、友人と共にroxas boulevardに沿ったシチューレストランに行きました。

In Cebu

Last week I was in Cebu City. After work went to one of the famous bar in Cebu the"Loft" . The light gave the picture a heavenly atmosphere. Looks like an angel just came down from heaven .... hahaha!

先週、私はセブ市にいました。 仕事の後に、「ロフト」はセブの有名なバーの1つに行っていました。光は天の大気を絵に与えました。 天使のような面相は天国からただ下りました… hahaha!