
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Last night's food

I stayed all day in my place. I did some cooking again. I used some mixed vegetables and beef for adobo.

私は一日中場所にいました。 私はまた料理をしました。 私はadoboを作るために野菜と牛肉を使用しました。

Christmas Tree in Odaiba

My friend drove me back home but before that we passed by Odaiba.

Korean Restaurant 2

More pictures with my japanese friends and korean food.


Korean Restaurant

I went to a korean restaurant with my japanese friends. These are some of the pictures.

私は日本人友人と一緒に韓国レストランに行きました。 これらは韓国食べ物の絵です。

Chiba Port Tower

I went to Chiba to meet a friend, he brought me to see the the Christmas illumination in Chiba Port Tower.


Cake set

I had a late dessert in Tokyu Excel Shibuya cafe with a friend who came from the Philippines.


Inokashira Park Part 3

The 3rd series of the story of Bianchi in Inokashira Park. The theme is autumn.

井の頭公園における、ビアンチの物語の3番目のシリーズ。 テーマは秋です。


I had a craving for sweets so I bought tiramisu and had brewed coffee.


Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles)

Last week went to Nihonbashi to meet a friend. We went to a Japanese restaurant that serves one of the best soba in town.

先週は、友人に会いに日本橋に行きました。 私たちは町に最も良いソバのひとつを勤める日本料理店に行きました。

Monday, November 12, 2007

More Pictures

Still in karaoke.


Party at Karaoke

Last Saturday went out to celebrate the birthday of one of our engineers.
Here are some of the pictures.


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Zakuro 2

I had a picture taken together with the owner of the restaurant. He is an Iranian. I also tried smoking the water pipe coconut flavor.

私はレストランの所有者と共に写真を撮らせました。 彼はイラン人です。 また、私は給水管ココナッツ風味を煙らせてみました。


I went to a Persian and Turkish restaurant. I had a great time eating and watching belly dancing show. I even participated in the dancing.

私はペルシアとトルコのレストランに行きました。 私には、ベリーダンスを見たりご飯を食べたり、楽しい時がありました。 私はダンスに参加しさえしました。

with friends

It was my last day working for a trading firm, so I had a few drinks with some of my friends.
