
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

At a party

Hey! Let me have the first bite. It looks delicious.

最初のひとかじりをお願いします。 それは美味しく見えます。

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

At Ichigaya

Me with Momong, Renyboy and Archie. This picture was taken after they took the nihongo evaluation test.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Back to the "Kitchen"

Again at the restaurant near my place last Saturday with 2 of our engineers. I had sauted pork with vegetables.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Back to my cooking

Another addition to my recipe book. Lamb meat cooked in aluminum foil with egg on top. Actually, I thought that if I cooked it in an aluminum foil I don't have to wash the fry pan. hahaha!

私のレシピの本への別の追加。卵とラム肉はアルミホイルで料理しました。 実際に、アルミホイルで使ったら後でフライパンを洗わなくても、ははは!

That's me!

Me showing the brochure of the Maserati. After driving a Maserati you don't want to drive another car unless it is a Ferrari.

私、マセラッティの小冊子を見せます。 マセラッティを運転した後に、あなたはそれがフェラーリでないなら別の車を運転したがっていません。

Chinese Food

After test driving a Maserati Quattroporte Automatic http://www.cornesmotor.com went to one of the oldest chinese restaurant here in Tokyo. And all I can say is .... delicious.

マセラッティに試乗した後に、東京で最も古いchineseレストランの1つに行きました。 そして、私が言うことができるすべてがあります… 美味しいです。

Cucumber Soda?

Yes! cucumber soda from Pepsi. I don't know if they are selling it outside Japan. I just can't describe the taste but I find it ok.

ペプシからきゅうりソーダ。日本の外に販売しているかどうかを知りません。 ただ味について説明することができませんが、私は、それが間違いないのがわかります。

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lamb and Veggies Donburi

Cooked lamb meat and veggies donburi ( toppings ). Marinated the meat with sukiyaki sauce ( can use bbq sauce ) then added veggies cooked in butter.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Cabbage and Anchovies Spagetti

Here is my own version of Cabbage and Anchovies Spagetti.


Beef and Potatoes

I'm back again with my own cooking. This time I cooked beef "adobo style" but without using oil just water and added some potatoes.

又料理の話。今回牛肉を使って”adobo style”で作ってけど油を使ってない、水だけそれとジャガイモも入りました。

Sunday, June 03, 2007

with one of the Cabinet Members

I also had a small discussion about the economy of the Philippines with the Secretary of Finance Mr. Teves. Here is my picture with the Secretary of Finance.

また、私はSecretary of Finance Tevesさんとフィリピンの経済についての小さい議論をしました。 ここに、Secretary of Financeとの写真です。

with the President of the Philippines

President Arroyo was in Japan to attend a conference and at the same meet some filipino leaders from different sectors living in Japan. I was lucky to be invited in this small gathering of filipino community leaders held in Imperial Hotel. I had a small chat with the President, and here are the pictures.

異なったセクター日本在住から会議に出席して、同じくらいで何人かのfilipinoリーダーに会うために、アロヨ大統領は日本にいました。 私は幸運でした帝国ホテルで持たれていたfilipino共同体のリーダーのこの小さい集会で招待されるべきである。 私には、大統領との小さいチャットがありました、そして、ここに、絵があります。

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Lights of summer

This was taken at the LV store in Omotesando.


Again in Canal Cafe

Went to Canal Cafe and had a few drinks. This is one of my favorite place to enjoy beer or wine because of the view.

又Canal Cafeで飲みに行きました。この場所は私の一つの好きな所です。

I'm now a mac....

Yes, before I was into VAIO but now decided to try MacBook. The reason why I change to mac is because it fits with the interior of my room. Though it is my 1st time to use a mac but I'm beginning to be a mac fan. I might still be learning the commands because of the different OS but I find it easier to use.


My room

Here is a picture of my room.
