
Saturday, October 21, 2006

One of my favorite pasta

This is one of my favorite pasta. Pasta in squid ink sauce with tomatos.


Something different

Tried boiled egg that was boiled in a hot spring, topped with salmon roe and caviar over black sesame sauce. Not only that but also had sea urchin and wasabi pizza.

温泉卵の上にイクラとキャビアが乗っていた、下に黒ゴマのソース、 うにとワサビピザを食べました。


I forgot what Rieko san was telling everyone but it seems that Yoko san and I had different reactions.


Introducing each other ...

There were some new friends who joined the small gathering. So we had a short introduction of ourselves.


Continue the celebration 2

Eating the food prepared by our japanese friends and some filipino foods prepared by our engineers.


Continue the celebration

Some pictures taken in our company's dormitory with some friends.


Last friday night with Jethru

This would be the last friday night together with Jethru ( one of our engineers ). He would be working with one of our client company next week. So we gave him a small celebration.

今回の金曜日にJethruさんと一緒に食事するのを最後です。 今度彼は会社のお客さんに仕事を始まる。 だから祝賀しました。

Late Bento Dinner

One of those nights when I arrived home late. Had grilled scallops & green pepper for side dish, main dish of beef toppings sukiyaki flavor and a can of beer.

時々帰りを遅くなる、その時弁当にする。 添え料理焼きほたてとピーマン、メインディスは牛丼鋤焼の味とビール。

Monday, October 09, 2006

Engineers from Isesaki visited my place

Some engineers from Isesaki visited my place yesterday. Was lazy to cooked so I just ordered pizza, chicken, coke and beer.Here are the pictures.

伊勢崎で働いているエンジニアたちは私の所に来ました。 その時怠けるから料理を作らなかった、だからピザとチキンとコーラとビールを頼みました。

Akihabara the electric town of Japan

pictures of Akihabara.

Akihabara is also known for maid?

Yes, the characters in japanese animation. Very popular among japanese salary man.

はいそうですよ! 日本のアニメのメードさんはサラリーマンに大人気です。

I didn't know ....

... that Lissa and Joel were also watching the performance. They even took pictures of the girl.

ははは! ぜんぜん気がつかなかった、二人はもいました。

Performance in Akihabara

After Oume went to Akihabara to meet Joel and Lissa. while waiting for them near the station heard someone singing, so decided to join the crowd and watched the performance.
She might be a star so I took this picture.

青梅からJoel and Lissaと会うために秋葉原に行きました。待ってる間に人の声が歌ってるを聞いて群衆と一緒に演奏を見ました。
演奏者はBig Starになるかも知らないからこの写真を撮りました。

Dinner in Oume

My dinner during my stay in Oume. This was cooked by Dante, one of our engineers working in that area. A filipino food but I don't know the name of the dish.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

With our engineer in Oume

Visited yesterday our engineer in Oume.



Just took this picture coz I find it interesting. It goes well with the candle and bottle of wine. Feeling spanish that night.

特別はないけれどこの写真を撮りました、なんか面白いと思った。 この夜はスペインの気分だた

Meeting in Marunouchi

Had a meeting in a french resto in Marunouchi. During the meeting we had sort of a snack of bread, olives and red wine. Mmmmm ..... it was an interesting meeting, especially the wine. hahaha!


Lunch Break

Our lunch during the forum. Japanese bento ( lunchbox) but filipino taste.


Usapangkabuhayan: Puhunan sa Masaganang Buhay

Last Sept 24 attended a business forum sponsored by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office.
Guest speakers and the congressman of Bohol gave inspirational talks in how to think positive regarding outlook in life and encourages people to be entrepreneur.

9月に討論会に参加しました。この会はPhilippine Overseas Labor Officeをスポンサーしました。